The Lincoln Diocese is nationally recognized for the benefits of our Catholic education system and the effect it’s had on our students, families and communities. The foundation for our Catholic education is based on offering affordable tuition to any family, which is supported through the financial assistance of our parishioners, benefactors and supporters. We have received many benefits from this support for affordable Catholic education, including an abundance of Priests, seminarians and religious. The legacy of offering an excellent Catholic education with affordable tuition is an important a mission of the Diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska. All students receive discounted tuition and many students also receive tuition assistance based on financial need. The Good Shepherd Scholarship Fund is available to any student, regardless of religious affiliation.
Catholic Diocese of Lincoln
The Good Shepherd Fund
No. In the Catholic Diocese of Southern Nebraska, tuition has always been and will continue to be very affordable for our families. Tuition only covers 25% – 45% of the cost of education. Although we are extremely frugal and resourceful, administrative costs such as building maintenance, technology, security systems, salaries, insurance and curriculum resources, have gone up in recent years. To continue to offer an excellent and affordable Catholic education to our youth we must invest in vibrant Catholic schools.
Lincoln Catholic Schools have some of the lowest cost of per student education in the state of Nebraska, but we must offer competitive salaries, appropriate academic programs, technology resources, and beneficial extra- curricular activities for our students. The average cost of educating a child in Lincoln Diocese Catholic Schools ranges from $5,000 to $10,000 and averages $6,500 per year. Tuition only covers 25%-45% of this. In comparison, the public schools in Nebraska spend an average of over $13,000 per student per year. Nebraska Department of Education
- Local Parish Discounted Tuition – Local assistance comes from the particular school to which families apply. There is tuition assistance that is available from the generous support of the local school’s parishes in the form of discounted tuition. All students receive significantly discounted tuition.
- Local Parish and School Scholarships – In addition to discounted tuition, many schools and parishes have scholarship funds that are made available through a school’s supporting donor community. Pastors and principals try to accommodate families with a Net Tuition amount and payment program that can fit a family’s budget. School leaders recognize the sacrifices parents and relatives make to be able to afford and offer their children an excellent Catholic education.
- The Good Shepherd Scholarship – Donors across the Diocese of Lincoln are generous in their gifts to tuition assistance funds. These funds are distributed yearly to needy families through a process that takes into account family size and income.
The Good Shepherd Scholarship is based on family size and income level. Families within 225% of the Federal Poverty Level are eligible for the Good Shepherd Scholarship, based on Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) and the number of dependents from Federal Tax Forms. Schools must use FACTS to manage scholarships and the school must participate in the Good Shepherd Scholarship program for students to be eligible.
Families with K-12 students may apply for tuition assistance by completing a FACTS application online at or by contacting their local Catholic School. FACTS is a third-party company used to evaluate applications, by using FACTS it helps to ensure the process is fair and financial data is secure and confidential. The information used for the Good Shepherd Scholarship is restricted to the Diocesan Education Office for the purpose of awarding scholarships. Schools and parishes use the same FACTS application for local scholarships, but you will only pay one fee.
Applications will be accepted at or on your local school website. Applications are due by March 31 each year. Award letters will be sent out by the schools and funds will be distributed to your school at the beginning of each semester, starting in August.
No. The Good Shepherd Scholarship is available to any student, regardless of religious affiliation.
If, during the course of the school year you are having difficulty meeting your tuition payments, please contact your parish pastor, school business manager or school principal.
Yes. A family must apply each year for Good Shepherd Scholarships and other types of financial aid.
The Lincoln Diocese is nationally recognized for the benefits of our Catholic education system and the effect it’s had on our students, families and communities. Through the financial assistance of our parishioners, benefactors and supporters, the Lincoln Diocese has a legacy of offering an excellent Catholic education with affordable tuition to any child. All students receive discounted tuition and many students also receive tuition assistance based on financial need. The Good Shepherd Scholarship Fund is available to any student, regardless of religious affiliation. Please join us in supporting children and their right to an affordable, faith-based, private education.
Catholic Diocese of Lincoln
The Good Shepherd Fund
- The Good Shepherd Scholarship – Donors across the Diocese of Lincoln are generous in their gifts to tuition assistance funds. These funds are distributed yearly to needy families through a process that takes into account family size and income. Families within 200% of the Federal Poverty Level are eligible for this scholarship.
- Local Parish Discounted Tuition – Local assistance comes from the particular school to which families apply. There is tuition assistance that is available from the generous support of the local school’s parishes in the form of discounted tuition. All students receive significantly discounted tuition.
- Local Parish and School Scholarships – In addition to discounted tuition, many schools and parishes have scholarship funds that are made available through a school’s supporting donor community. Pastors and principals try to accommodate families with tuition and payment programs that can fit a family’s budget. School leaders recognize the sacrifices parents and relatives make to be able to afford and offer their children an excellent Catholic education.
The Good Shepherd Scholarship provides $1,800 to $2,100 in financial aid, or up to 75% of school tuition. This amount may be increased in future years, based on fundraising and the generosity of our donors.
The Good Shepherd Scholarship Fund will provide grants of approximately $2.0m to $2.8m annually, to students whose families are within 225% of the nationally published Federal Poverty Level. This equates to approximately 25% of all students in Lincoln Diocese Catholic Schools or 1,300-1,500 students.
- Gifts of Cash – Any gift of cash, check, or credit card, whether a one time donation or a reoccuring gift, is a accepted.
- Gifts of Grain or Livestock – Gifts of grain or livestock can be handled by a local elevator or organization, check are sent directly to the Good Shepherd Scholarship Fund, without paying income tax.
- Gifts of Real Estate – Give a gift of real estate now or in your will, and 100% of the property value will be contribute to support students with scholarships.
- Gifts of Stock, Mutual Funds or IRA’s – Contribute to student scholarships by giving stocks, mutual funds or retirement accounts to the Good Shepherd Fund.
- Sponsor a Child – Donate to The Good Shepherd Scholarship to help a student or students to attend Catholic Schools.
- Sponsor a School – Give a gift to honor your child or grandchild’s school or remember a school or parish that you attended, ensuring that students will have the opportunity of an excellent Catholic education.
- Endowment – Leave a lasting gift to our endowment so that children now, and in the future, will be able to attend Catholic schools.
- Company Match – Many corporations have matching gift programs that can match your donation. Matching gift programs can be found on your company website.
- Estate Planning – Contribute to our future through an estate plan. There are many ways to provide for future donations to the Good Shepherd Scholarship Fund, including your will. We can work with your attorney or tax advisor to find the solution that meets your needs.
- Life Insurance – Giving a gift of a life insurance policy is an excellent way to make a donation to the Good Shepherd Scholarship Fund. If you have a life insurance policy that is no longer needed, consider changing the beneficiary to the Good Shepherd Scholarship Fund.
- Foundation Giving – Many corporations and foundations have giving programs that support scholarships for low income or minority students through donations or corporate sponsorships. These gifts help to build a strong future for youth in our communities.
Yes, the Good Shepherd Scholarship is part of a 501(C)(3) organization and donations are tax deductible.
No. Any family that will be attending a Lincoln Diocese Catholic School may apply for a Good Shepherd Scholarship, regardless of religious affiliation.
If, during the course of the school year a family is having difficulty meeting tuition payments, they may contact their local parish pastor, school business manager or school principal for additional assistance.
The Good Shepherd Scholarship funds were established using the Joy of the Gospel campaign funds that were allocated to schools. In addition, new donations will be raised through the collaborative efforts of the Lincoln Diocese, local parishes, schools and the Catholic Foundation of Southern Nebraska. These donors believe in the value of Catholic education and recognize that tuition assistance is needed by many families wanting their children to attend Catholic schools. For more information about the various fundraising initiatives or to make a contribution, please visit our website at
The Diocese of Lincoln and the Catholic Church uses little or no money to manage programs, unlike many other non-profit organizations. The fund generates $1.0m to $2.0m in annual donations and less than 5% would be used to administer the scholarship program.
Educating children in Catholic schools ensures that they are prepared academically, spiritually, physically, and creatively, with a focus on developing the whole child. Students from Catholic schools are prepared to face the future, they are more likely to graduate from high school, go onto college and graduate from college. Young people are formed in our Catholic Schools to excel in their careers, embrace and grow in their faith and become vibrant members of our communities and parishes.