January 31, 2021
Re: Catholic Schools Week & The Good Shepherd Scholarship
Dear Friends of the Lincoln Diocese Catholic Schools,
School masses, the reading of good books, academic studies, and sacramental preparations – all of these continue (even in the midst of a pandemic) due to the many dedicated people that serve our Catholic Schools. These great men and women know that our Catholic Schools in the Lincoln Diocese are not merely places of learning, but essential places of wonder, evangelization, and encounter. Places where families send their children not only for academic excellence, but for encounters with Christ, Himself.
This week marks Celebrate Catholic Schools Week throughout our country and is an opportunity to reflect on and commit again to our Catholic Schools. In 2019, with the help of many faithful Catholics, we established the Good Shepherd Scholarship Fund to provide additional financial support to our Catholic School communities. Over the last two years the scholarship fund awarded $3.3 million dollars to our families in need, which in turn, also provided a much needed additional stream of income to our Catholic Schools. These dollars have made their way to families in every town and city where we have Catholic Schools in the Lincoln Diocese. Our Catholic School families are currently working on scholarship applications for the 2021-2022 school year, and the average Good Shepherd Scholarship award will be approximately $2,000 including tuition and fees.
Feedback from across the diocese indicates a priority to reach even more families in need. Therefore, in addition to celebrating our Catholic Schools, I am advocating for them by asking others to join our mission of supporting our Catholic School families in need. Please prayerfully consider making a donation online at goodshepherdscholarship.com/support-the-fund or by sending a check to:
Good Shepherd Scholarship 3400 Sheridan Blvd. Lincoln, NE 68506
With gratitude for your support, I remain,
Sincerely yours in Christ,

The Most Rev. James D. Conley, Bishop of Lincoln